Michael Valentine Mallya
Michael ni mtaalamu wa mawasiliano ya kimkakati, masoko na mageuzi ya kidigitali kwa taasisi katika sekta binafsi na sekta ya maendeleo.
Soma ZaidiPrudence Glorious Is a Pan- African Tanzanian thinker, strategist, trusted advisor, volunteer, aesthete and writer. She is currently the Chief Purpose Officer at Prudence Zoe Glorious (PZG) - Tanzania’s first eponymous public relations firm which she founded in 2020, having also practised as an independent consultant and UN advisor. PZG purposes to position Tanzania as a nation with a prosperous future and its young people with the potential and the abundance of resources to make it happen through narratives that showcase Tanzania and its people in their best light. A strategic communications and public relations guru, she champions the power of PR to empathise and build bridges that unifies voices and sentiments to compound into a global narrative of being well and doing good. Her other specialisms include communications management and strategic social responsibility. With an affinity towards international trade, philanthropy work, increasing the economic advantages of young people, and a passion for children's well being in their formative years, she is one of the Board of Trustees at New Life Foundation that runs a babies home, school and vocational training for young children and young mothers. She also sits on the Regional Boards of Advisors for United States Foreign Trade Institute. A forward thinker, Prudence has over 11 years of experience in relationship building; impact communications, content strategy, visual storytelling, social listening, interactive and print copywriting, marketing, editing, script writing, speechwriting, translating, planning, experience design, using digital analytics, performance benchmarks, and stakeholder profiles to inform strategy; content management and agility to work across multiple deadlines and stakeholders. She also has experience in acting, directing and debating in school, church and at the theatre.
Michael ni mtaalamu wa mawasiliano ya kimkakati, masoko na mageuzi ya kidigitali kwa taasisi katika sekta binafsi na sekta ya maendeleo.
Soma ZaidiMwandishi wa vitabu 13, na Mtaalamu wa kusaidia watoa huduma kuanza, na kukuza huduma zao ndani, na nje ya mitandao.
Soma ZaidiKennedy ni mtaalamu wa mawasiliano ya kimkakati, masoko na mageuzi ya kidigitali kwa taasisi katika sekta binafsi na sekta ya maendeleo.
Soma ZaidiNi mfanyabiashara na mkufunzi wa usimamizi wa fedha binafsi. Kwa zaidi ya miaka miwili nimekuwa nikitoa mafunzo ya usimamizi wa fedha binafsi kupitia [...]
Soma ZaidiOnline Marketing and Digital Skills- Google Digital Garage Design Thinking Process Certified Facilitator & Coach - D School, University of Capetown A [...]
Soma ZaidiInvested in building inclusive ecosystems and nurturing human capital; with a strong focus on education and skills development, ensuring the principle [...]
Soma ZaidiDr. Katanta ni mtaalamu wa masuala ya Jinsia, Mapambano dhidi ya Ukatili wa Kijinsia (GBV), Afya ya Uzazi na Uzazi wa Mpango (SRH), na Ujumuishi wa Ki [...]
Soma ZaidiMwanasheria wa Mahakama Kuu na Mahakama za chini zinazohusiana. Akizingatia masuala ya sheria ya biashara na ya kibiashara, ardhi, sheria ya benki, na [...]
Soma ZaidiNi mtaalum anaye jikita katika uchumi wa kidijitali na utamaduni wa ndani. Akizingatia masuala ya maendeleo ya teknolojia, biashara za mtandaoni, sher [...]
Soma ZaidiMshauri wa Biashara, Mtaalamu wa Uendelezaji wa Tovuti, Vifaa vya Kompyuta, na Programu. Akitoa huduma za ushauri wa kimkakati kwa biashara, kukuza na [...]
Soma Zaidi